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Ultra flexible

by bronskiy on March 26, 2014 Comments Off on Ultra flexible

Ultra Flexible

Omega is ultra flexible and lets you create stunning WordPress pages without any coding knowledge out of the box.

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Responsive design

Omega is designed to look cool on all devices. On big screens, tablets or smartphones omega will look awesome.

Bootstrap based

Omega is designed on bootstrap framework. The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

Omega, the most advanced and good looking wordpress theme

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bronskiyUltra flexible

Responsive layout

by bronskiy on March 26, 2014 Comments Off on Responsive layout

This Theme has a fully responsive layout. It will respond and fit to a large desktop, tablet screens and all the way down to mobile sized displays.

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What we do best

Not seldom in this life, when, on the right side, fortune's favourites sail close by us, we, though all adroop before, catch somewhat of the rushing breeze, and joyfully feel our bagging sails fill out.

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bronskiyResponsive layout