Crossing the Canyon 2016 is in the books. This amazing team raised more than $36,000. It was such an honor to come together with you in this effort.
23.5 miles, 10,141 feet of altitude change. One day.
We are excited to come together with this incredible team. Each team member brings his or her own story, talent and passion to the cause. The Rim-to-Rim trek takes the team from the North Rim down to the canyon floor, across the canyon, then up to the South Rim over 23.5 miles and more than 10,000 feet of elevation change. It is a powerful metaphor for the race to end brain cancer. The canyon represents the valley of death of underfunded research. We know that funding brain tumor research will change the future for those diagnosed with brain cancer and that if money is the problem, it’s a problem that can be solved. Together, we can do this.
and share the stories. Let's go knock out brain cancer!