We are honored to welcome Marshall to the 3000 Miles to a Cure 2016 Race Across America team. To help him get to the starting line, consider a gift to help cover the expense of his race. Support raised here leading up to the race will help cover the costs of RAAM.

Marshall Reeves is no stranger to Solo Race Across America. He’s attempted it twice, but hasn’t made it to the finish line in Annapolis yet. We think this is the year! We love Marshall’s message of getting back in the ring for a third round with RAAM. It is so inspiring – it captures that spirit of intrepid perseverance that those researching for a cure and fighting to beat brain cancer have to have. Here’s what Marshall has to say:
“RAAM is about the dumbest thing to ever try, let alone three times. In a lot of ways, it relates directly to our fight against cancer. It’s never easy, often frustrating, but the only way to really fail is to give up. So in RAAM, as in the cancer fight, we haven’t failed, we just haven’t won yet! Cancer affects everyone. Either directly, or through a loved one. Just this past June, I lost my Dad as an indirect result of cancer. Cancer has now claimed both of my parents. Among the cancers, brain cancer is the most insidious. Not only does it claim your life, it can claim your identity as well.
It’s time to take a stand. Cancer can be beaten. It just takes research, and research takes money. If suffering through a long week of RAAM can generate money to research a cure for a lifetime, then it’s really a small price to pay!”
-Marshall Reeves