My Blog

June 25, 2016: Almost There

by Joe Mulligan on June 27, 2016 Comments Off on June 25, 2016: Almost There

The last 24 hours of RAAM are in full effect. Fatigue is rampant through the crew and riders.

Marshall is now 200 miles from the finish. He is in territory he has never seen before. His last two attempts are fresh in his mind as he pushes to the finish.

Marshall’s cause and reasons are fighting the pain inside his head as he moves toward the finish one pedal stroke at a time. He is within hours of his official finishing time and there is some speculation as to whether he will make it.

The crew is doing everything they can to get him there, feeding, medicating, caring for all of his needs.

If he doesn’t push, he isn’t going to make it.

Please help Marshall, he did this for a cause much greater than himself. It is 3000 Miles to a Cure fighting alongside him as he conquers RAAM and seeks to conquer brain cancer. Every mile he pedals, is another small victory. Pledge just a small amount for every mile he finishes. Help get him to Annapolis and our goal of 20,000 dollars. Every dollar counts, donate BC_RAAM_2016_06_24_MorningIndiana-14today.

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Joe MulliganJune 25, 2016: Almost There

June 26, 2016 The Last Day

by Jo Dee Ahmann on June 27, 2016 Comments Off on June 26, 2016 The Last Day

Here we are.  At journey’s end.

The sun rises over Rob one last time before he approaches the finish line in Maryland.

The sun rises over Rob one last time before he approaches the finish line in Maryland.

Random quotes from Rob since early this morning—on the phone.

“It’s so beautiful.”

Rob flies down a hill as as he gets within an hour of the finish line.

Rob flies down a hill as as he gets within an hour of the finish line.

“I can’t explain this.”

“This is far beyond my ability.  I’m not even a cyclist.”

“God is good all the time.  All the time, God is good.”

“Make sure God gets the glory!”

“When I’m done, I want to spend some time with my wife…and then I want to spend some more time with my wife.”20160626_award-4

“Pray that I will see the beauty.”

At Mt. Airy time station—

“Pray for me, I’m not quite here (mentally).”  I grabbed his face and said, “Focus, Rob, Focus” and then we prayed.  He always wants prayer.

“I am so blessed.”

“Can you believe this is the last day?”

“Watch that time.”  Said with a twinkle in his eye because he didn’t need to be concerned about time anymore.

"It's amazing how I can feel this good right now," says Rob as he eats a coupel donuts.

“It’s amazing how I can feel this good right now,” says Rob as he eats a coupel donuts.

“Oh, the miracles.  We pray for tailwinds.  We get tailwinds.  We pray for a chiropractor.  We get a chiropractor.  We pray for the coming storms and tornadoes.  We get clear roads and not one drop of rain.  We pray for strength.  Strength is there.  I couldn’t do this alone.”

And then, the last 50 long miles. Rob said, “This feels like an eternity.” He needed prayer to get to the end and finish strong. Next text from his wife, Kristin.  Rob says he feels better and thanks for praying.  He feels at peace.

And we waited our own little eternity at the finish line.  Finally, after many jokes about a last minute nap, or stopping to take a shower, he cruised down the finish—characteristic smile and wave.  We have learned to love and expect Rob’s kind gestures to all those around.  He is just that way—through and through.

They say that RAAM peels you back.  When Rob DeCou gets peeled back, there is utter consistency.  Still kind.  Still looking out for everyone else.  Still compassionate.  He told me before RAAM that God has remade him from the inside out.  Well, we have seen the outside and seen the inside and it all brings glory to the One who made him.

Rob was presented his medal.  A proud moment.  He immediately presented it to his niece, Madison who was on crew for Rob.  At the award banquet tonight Rob told me why he gave his precious medal away.  He said, “It’s important to give away the things you work hardest for. Otherwise, they can begin to own you. They can become idols.”20160626_award-9



In the midst of all the celebration, Rob asks that you remember to donate to 3000 Miles to a Cure.  He has reached his financial goal but no one will turn down extra. You may donate here.   And please continue to watch and pray for our other rider, Marshall Reeve’s.  Some of Rob’s crew headed back to see if they could help get Marshall in by his deadline.

After debriefing with the teams, it is time to say goodbye.  It is bittersweet.  You have all become our community.  We go our separate ways, but we are changed.  Sacrifice looks more tangible.  Hard work–well, I’m not sure I knew what it was before this race.  Community has a whole new meaning.  And God walks with us more closely than we dreamed.  Thank you for following on this journey.  Thank you for praying for Rob.  Thank you for donating so generously for 3000 Miles to a Cure.  We are pretty sure Christina is celebrating in heaven–loving the unfolding of this story–really a continuation of her story.  No fear living.  Abundance in the midst of difficulty, and joy no matter what comes.

Back at the start line in Oceanside, Rob’s good friend, Joe Chehade, prayed for his start.  Joe just sent me his finish line prayer.  It seems like a perfect closure to this great journey of RAAM.

Thank you, Jesus for accompanying Rob and his crew across the continent.  Thank you for sending your angels and keeping them safe.  Thank you for giving Rob the strength to climb over physical, mental and spiritual mountains:  Like an eagle, he flew by them.  We dare continue to ask you for more graces and miracles:  for Marshall’s safe and quick finish.  For Rob’s fast healing from his wounds and scars.  For the continued ripple effect of this race and the mission of 3000 Miles to a Cure so that many people get involved in this fight and many, many more get to know You and love You.  For the continued healing of the families of Jenny and Christina—to have the faith that their loved ones are happy with you now.

We love you, we thank you and ask you to use the rest of our lives for Your Glory!   AMEN

Signing off,

Jo Dee Ahmann, The Messenger



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Jo Dee AhmannJune 26, 2016 The Last Day

June 25, 2016: The Last Big Push

by Jo Dee Ahmann on June 25, 2016 Comments Off on June 25, 2016: The Last Big Push

This is it.  The final 24 hours.  The Last Big Push.  Go, Rob, Go!

Rob's eyes are focused on the road ahead as he only has one full day on the road left.

Rob’s eyes are focused on the road ahead as he only has one full day on the road left.

The report from the West Virginia Appalachians through the night was that Rob was singing.  Really?   I asked, “Singing? Literally?”  Yes, literally.  And telling jokes.

May I just say Rob needs another miracle night like that.  He will be pushing through to make a close time cutoff at the Mt. Airy, Maryland time station.

Jamaica Lambie hands Rob a popsicle to cool him off as he races up a hill.

Jamaica Lambie hands Rob a popsicle to cool him off as he races up a hill.

This morning in the car, while we were trying to catch up to Rob, I was watching some videos of Christina.  She consented to a video question session after she was placed on hospice.  She answered question after question, so coherently, so strongly, so beautifully.  So for Rob, here are a few of Christina’s words transcribed.  I think it is no mistake that they apply so perfectly for your ride tonight.

She was asked about fighting the good fight.  What words of encouragement do you have for those who might be struggling? She said,

 “The good fight never ends and you never get to a point where you have arrived.  I certainly haven’t and I am on the short end of the journey…but it never ends and the adventure of it to me is that it’s never over and hard parts are never over and the amazing beautiful spectacular miracle parts are never over, and the leaning completely on Jesus because you just have nothing.”

 “Things that feel devastating to us and ‘ I am tired of fighting and I am tired of this life being hard and I can’t do it anymore and I don’t want to do it anymore’—that never ends.  But that’s the beautiful part of it because that’s where God meets us.”

Tyler Clemens helps Rob off the bicycle.

Tyler Clemens helps Rob off the bicycle.

 “Through our weaknesses our faith is made perfect.  Not through our strengths and all our amazing parts….’I got nothin’ but He has my everything and that is all I could ever dream for my life.’  That is the most adventurous part of walking with God.” 

 I jogged a little with  Rob while he was going up a hill and he said, “This is all Jesus.  He is getting me through this”.  He and Christina going to the end—in the power of Jesus.

Jo Dee Ahmann encourages Rob as he rides up a hill in Maryland.

Jo Dee Ahmann encourages Rob as he rides up a hill in Maryland.

Will you help Rob get through this last 24 hours with your encouragement?  He is loving your notes and your generous donations to 3000 Miles to a Cure.  He is at 84% of his goal of $20,000.  You can donated here.  Almost there on the bike and almost there on the donations.  It’s all so amazing.

The Messenger,

Jo Dee Ahmann


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Jo Dee AhmannJune 25, 2016: The Last Big Push

June 25, 2016: Chaos

by Joe Mulligan on June 25, 2016 Comments Off on June 25, 2016: Chaos

We’re 500 Miles from the finish line and everybody is exhausted. Marshall is pushing himself mile by mile to stay on the bike.

Most of his crew has circles under their eyes and a far-off stare. Everybody is talking about the finish. Is he gonna get there? What does his average speed need to be? How many miles does he have left?


He rolled into a stop at Chillicothe, Ohio a few minutes ago.  

As he was sitting in his chair, spooning chili in his mouth, Jacob and Ryan were massaging his feet and Tyler and Joseph were putting drinks in the cooler, filling up the follow car with gas, and buying more ice. Adam was checking the bikes and Jesse was talking to his dad about the last few hundred miles.


I did my best to stay out of the way while Luke and Bryan were snapping pictures and taking video of the whole scene. It was just chaos.

We are near the finish line, and everybody is ready to be there. The crews and riders are running on adrenaline and caffeine trying to get to Annapolis.

We are just trying to keep Marshall on the bike. His body and mind are telling him to stop. He is latching on to the cause and trying to separate his mind from the saddle sores and lack of sleep.


We are 500 miles from the end and we still have not reached Marshall’s donation goal. Please donate for mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, children and grandchildren, who will lose the fight to brain cancer unless we cure it first. Marshall and Rob fight every mile. 3000 Miles to a Cure needs your support. We craft videos, albums, and interviews hoping that they have an effect. Hoping that others can see the passion we have to end brain cancer and be inspired.

Just keep pedaling, Marshall

Joe Mulligan or affectionately “Glasses McWritterface”

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Joe MulliganJune 25, 2016: Chaos

June 24th, 2016: Bear Mode

by Jo Dee Ahmann on June 24, 2016 Comments Off on June 24th, 2016: Bear Mode

The night crew is calling it Bear Mode. Get him in Bear Mode.  He’s an athlete.  He’s motivated by hard.  He’s motivated by impossible.  He’s motivated to dig deep and push to the end.

Rob glances over for a portrait while riding towards Athens, OH.

Rob flashes a characteristic smile while heading toward Athens, Ohio.

We are in the last two days of RAAM.  If Rob is to be an official finisher, he needs to pass the Mt. Airy, Maryland time station by 11:22 a.m. Eastern Time on Sunday, June 26th .

His night crew reported he has strong reserves—sleep, endurance, physical strength, manageable pain levels, and the heart of a warrior.

Apparently, all that needs to be done to get him fired up is mention his high school wrestling record.  31 wins, no losses.  And then Rob said, “But it ended 35 and 2.”  When we mentioned to him (out the car window) his amazing record, he smiled and said, “I like to wrestle.”

This morning, we talked about the coming mountains that are a hard thing to face at the end of a grueling, endurance test like RAAM.  He said, “I can’t wait.  They are going to go by quickly.  I have no fear of these mountains.”

Rob DeCou picks up his speed on his way to Athens, OH to make up for the hours he's lost.

Rob DeCou picks up his speed on his way to Athens, OH to make up for the hours he’s lost.

Go Rob, Go.  Those mountains need to go by very quickly.  He is on a victorious course to finish well—making up time even as I write.  This will be a difficult test—unending miles on the bicycle, quick pit stops, short rests.

Rob had three goals.

  1. Safety first.
  2. Spend every possible minute on the bike.
  3. Create and keep good community.

He is in the middle of spending every possible minute on the bike.  Rob’s spirit is strong.  His desire to finish is undiminished.  His mind is clear and focused.  Even in his short sleep times he talks, “Let’s go.”  “We’ve got this.”  This ultra-endurance athlete is alive and well.   He is about to enter the unknown end of this race that will require everything Rob has and more.

Rob’s great crew has kept him safe.  He told me that Jamaica fixed many mechanical problems through the night.  Rob said Jamaica is fast and so competent and loves having him along.

Jamaica Lambie and Jo Dee Ahmann laugh at a video of him and Kyle Downs interpretting the hostile driver situation in Indiana the day before.

Jamaica Lambie and Jo Dee Ahmann laugh at a video of him and Kyle Downs interpretting the hostile driver situation in Indiana the day before.

The crew keeps him fed with foods that interest him.  His caloric intake is critical and they are working fast and furious to keep Rob fed.

Rob’s goals are attainable.  It is hard this late in the race to keep these three things in the front of everyone’s minds.  Rob is working hard, the crew is working alongside—keeping him alive and rolling.  And the community is still functioning, here and around the world.  To Rob, it is so important for this  community to stay focused on those goals so he can stay focused on pedaling.

At the close of our conversation this morning he said, “I can’t describe what God has done this week.  He has pushed me the whole way.  I trust Him to wake me up. He powers me.”  If you are one who prays, pray for Rob in these last two days.  He really wants to stay mentally alert and strong to the end.

Rob reminded us (from the bike) to please give to 3000 Miles to a Cure.  He wants to beat brain cancer.  Rob’s community has given over $15,000 dollars.  That leaves $5,000 to raise in the final two days.  If you want to make Rob’s day, give here

Thank you all so much for following along on this epic race.


The Messenger,

Jo Dee Ahmann





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Jo Dee AhmannJune 24th, 2016: Bear Mode

He Must Finish

by Maria Parker on June 24, 2016 Comments Off on He Must Finish

This morning I woke up after only 2 and ½ hours of sleep, my head thick with exhaustion.  My first thought was, Marshall has been doing this for 9 days while cycling for 21 hours a day.  At this point in Race Across America, I’m incredulous that Marshall can keep going.  Yet go he does.  He and his crew say every day, we must finish.  This time, we must finish.   I feel their desperation.  Marshall must get an official finish this year, his third attempt.  

Last night Marshall got a big push toward Annapolis. An anonymous benefactor offered to donate $10 for each mile Marshall pedaled, (750 of them as of last night), only if he gets to Annapolis.

She said “Just tell him to finish,  It’s his third time, he’s not getting any younger. He will not have to do this a fourth time.  I so want him to finish. I know how terrible I have felt not finishing a measly 50 miles a few years ago…he must feel that a 1000 times stronger…He will finish.

When we told Marshall last night, he was overwhelmed.

This donor is challenging Marshall’s community to come alongside her and also pledge per mile donations.  Marshall has offered anyone who matches her pledge a signed 3000 Miles to a Cure jersey, one of the jerseys he has been wearing during his ride.  Any matching donation will encourage.  $.10 per mile is $70, $1.00 per mile is $700 dollars, or come up with your own amount.  Let’s get Marshall to the finish line.  He must finish.

Maria Parker

Marshall is racing to cure brain cancer. Every cent of every donation goes to brain cancer research. Join us.

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Maria ParkerHe Must Finish

June 23, 2016: This One’s for you, Rob

by Jo Dee Ahmann on June 23, 2016 Comments Off on June 23, 2016: This One’s for you, Rob

We’re on the last 600 miles.  I can’t even fathom that statement.  Six hundred miles is a LONG way to race a bicycle.  That means Rob has already knocked out at least 2400 miles in 9 days.   Rob is powering on in the strength of God, fueled by your prayer.  He is living on the words of encouragement and donations you are giving.  He has this blog post read to him in the hard hours of the night.  So, dear Rob, this one is for you.  All you readers, feel free to read over his shoulder.

Rob is having a good time despite the intense heat and humidity in Indiana.

Rob is having a good time despite the intense heat and humidity in Indiana.

Rob, you are racing in honor of Christina and her courage in the face of a brain cancer diagnosis and you, too, are displaying great courage in the face of 3000 miles of seemingly endless roads, hills, weather, extreme heat, fatigue, hostile encounters with drivers and lots of pain.

Tyler Clemens loads Rob up with a lettuce wrap before he hits the road.

Tyler Clemens loads Rob up with a lettuce wrap before he hits the road.

And you are racing with joy and grace.  I love it when you say—“It’s hard.  I like hard things.”  And you just said to me, “I could not do this without God’s strength.”  I see how hard this is.  I see the struggle, the pain, the fatigue.  You wear it well.  You are a champion.  A leader. An example. And you are a servant—of your team, of your community, of this world.  Thank you for loving well.

Yesterday, your pastor from your Port Angeles days, met you on the road while you were having a massage break.  Mike and Jan Jones were in the area (that is a loose term) and found you on the course.  You prayed together, laughed, took a few photos and they sent you off down the road.IMG_1378

A couple of days ago, Pastor Mike sent a text that I have not read to you yet.  Here it is:

When David was sent by his father to check up on his brothers, he encountered an unusual situation.  All of the armies of God were hiding in their tents filled with fear.  The obstacle in front of them was the giant Goliath!  David accepted the challenge to face the obstacle.  He had faced other challenges in the past and he knew what to do.  Trust God and move ahead!!!

 David, in the power of the Lord, defeated the enemy of God!  An amazing thing then happened to the fear-filled army of God! When they witnessed David’s faith, they themselves were filled with faith and moved ahead!

 The principle is simple:  Displayed faith stimulates faith!  Christina faced the enemy many times in unbelievable faith.  Her faith ignited faith in others.  Only weeks before her death she got out of bed and visited me after my heart surgery.  Even now her faith makes me want to get up and move ahead.  No longer am I paralyzed by fear!

Rob's feet have to be covered in bandages and baby powder to reduce the pain while riding.

Rob’s feet have to be covered in bandages and baby powder to reduce the pain while riding.

 Rob, you may not know this but your God filled, courageous faith that you are displaying is encouraging fearful people to renew their faith and move forward!!

 Rob, keep moving forward in God’s power as you face the challenges before you.  You, like Christina, are causing my faith to grow and I’m moving forward with you for God’s glory!  –Pastor Mike Jones

Rob passes some tractors in Indiana on a busy back road.

Rob passes some tractors in Indiana on a busy back road.

How’s that for an evening pick-me-up?  You are so loved Rob.  Keep going.  One pedal at a time.  In the strength of God.  Thank you for raising money for brain cancer research.  Your community has now given $14,000 on your way to $20,000.  You are doing great work–paying a great price to bring hope to the world of brain cancer.

The Messenger,

Jo Dee Ahmann

P.S.  For those of you reading over Rob’s shoulder, you can give here.  Together, we can help keep him going!




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Jo Dee AhmannJune 23, 2016: This One’s for you, Rob

June 23, 2016: Junior

by Joe Mulligan on June 23, 2016 Comments Off on June 23, 2016: Junior

We caught up with Marshall as he was tackling the bumpy roads of Illinois. Last night we saw him cross the Mississippi River in good spirits. He was glad to be two thirds of the way through.

Illinois is similar to Kansas in a lot of ways. Long flat roads with corn and wheat everywhere. It is more populated and the traffic is much more of a hazard. The heat and humidity is unbearable, but the tailwind assists his speed.


He stopped to cool off and the media team was able to catch up with the night’s activities. He was smiling and surprised by how good he felt. In his previous experiences, he was dealing with extensive leg pain by this point in the race. The fact that his hamstring muscles are functioning is encouraging, despite the hand numbness and saddle sores.

The media team asked him what he was going to do differently after his unsuccessful attempts. He simply said “not screw up.” 


While he got some more water from his crew, Aunt Maria read him some encouragement from donors. On one message, he was addressed as Uncle Mark. He laughed when he heard this, and I was curious as to why.

It turns out, he legally changed his name at the age of twelve to Marshall Reeves Jr. He adopted his father’s name because he respected him so much. Marshall is not a super emotional guy, so when he talks about his father, I am moved.


The relationship between fathers and sons is a special one. A father is someone who you can seek wisdom from and confide in at the same time.

After Mom died, Dad had to take upon the entire responsibility of leading the household. He had to work full time and provide emotional comfort during a hard experience. During this time, we spent more time together. Mom’s expressiveness was a big factor of my childhood, after she died, my dad and I developed a very personal friendship. We ate lots of steak together as men and discussed a plethora of subjects. I like to joke around and call us “bros,” because we really do have a great friendship. Without Mom to mediate, I got to know dad on an entirely different level. We united in our grief and our happiness. I began to realize the extent of his wisdom and gained so much knowledge from him on how to lead a family. Without my father’s guidance the experience would have been so difficult.   
Marshall and I seem to have a similar respect and love of our fathers. It freshly reminds me that some people don’t have that comfort. When a family has to deal with a terminal disease, their relationships can suffer and never heal. I can’t imagine losing my father to brain cancer. I don’t want to imagine it. I hate brain cancer. I never want to see another family suffer because of it. I don’t want to see a son suffer after he loses his father or a father suffer after he loses his son. My mother was an amazing woman.  It is time to end brain cancer. People are fighting. 3000 Miles to a Cure is supporting researchers across the country who want to see it cured as much as we do. You can provide them with funds. You can wave goodbye to brain cancer alongside 3000 Miles to a Cure. Every penny goes to research. Please donate here today.

Happy Birthday Pops (Dad), 52 is going to be a great year.

Joe Mulligan

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Joe MulliganJune 23, 2016: Junior

June 22, 2016: Team

by Joe Mulligan on June 22, 2016 Comments Off on June 22, 2016: Team

As Marshall races across the country, the media team meets up with the crew and Marshall as much as we can and we have gotten to continually observe the team in action.

Marshall is capable, but he is only able to attempt RAAM with a team behind him. These six men are like brothers with lots of caffeine and time spent in close proximity. In a pre-race interview Marshall talked about the impact of this team.

“The great thing about this operation is that everybody on this crew volunteered. Everyone on the crew this year, came to me wanting to do it and that to me is huge. That is even more motivation, without them even having to say a thing…”  

Adam Darby, the bike mechanic, has flowing curly blonde hair that sticks out of the side of his hats. He always has a big smile on his face and is ready to lighten the mood with a joke. When he gets a bike in his hands, he becomes a machine, adjusting and fixing so fast, you wonder if he is actually thinking about it.


Joseph Joseph III (his real name) is the crew chief. He knows Marshall well and capably leads the team. He is a professional accountant and works well with numbers, constantly analyzing distances and speeds and feeding Marshall helpful information. He and Tyler Jandreau went to Marshall and volunteered to lead a team to get him to the finish line. He is tall and thin, sporting a short beard and bright orange reflective glasses.BC_RAAM_2016_06_16-8

Ryan Jean is the all-around, jack-of-all-trades guy. He has shoulder length wavy blonde hair and a short and broad-shouldered figure. He is constantly looking for ways to help and provides a comforting presence to all he is around. He has lots of interesting stories about his adventures on the Appalachian Trail and his biking experiences.


Jacob Bouchard is a details guy. He doesn’t forget things and provides a steady anchor for the more lively of the group. He has a friendly countenance at all times, always providing interesting conversation with his many talents. I love hearing his thoughts and ideas about RAAM or anything else.


Tyler Jandreau is an engineer. His mind is always working and he tends to be a problem solver. He likes wearing flip flops and his laid back personality tends to calm people down when facing problems. He is also a jokester and likes to lighten the mood.


Jesse Reeves is Marshall’s son and provides excellent moral support for his dad as he goes through this challenge. With a great love of music and long black hair in a ponytail, he is quite interesting to talk to about anything and everything. He is always seeking to help his dad when he can, providing valuable assistance to the specialist of the team.


These men have sacrificed more than 2 weeks of time from their jobs and homes to come and support Marshall as he to conquer RAAM. They live off of little sleep and eat gas station food at unscheduled times. They often sleep in the RV or in the car when they can.

Sunscreen is constantly being applied to Marshall alongside massages and an assortment of drinks. Monitoring Marshall’s health is a responsibility all on its own. He requires pain medication and lots of medicinal creams. They are always behind him pushing him to the finish line. They readily find anything Marshall needs and serve him in any way they possibly can, putting his needs far above their own.

They are expected to perform well under high stress situations and often have to do it quickly.

I am  inspired by their diligence and perseverance. They respect Marshall and want to see him finish, just like I do.

3000 Miles to a Cure is made up of men and women who have chosen to put a cause above comfort, money, and time. Every donation, every dollar given, inspires riders, crews, and volunteers alike.  We work hard because we love those who we’ve lost and don’t want anybody else to suffer that loss. Please donate here today, so brain cancer can no longer thrive unopposed, taking people from families and friends.

Mississippi River is ahead of you, Marshall

Joe Mulligan

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Joe MulliganJune 22, 2016: Team

June 22, 2016 The Mystery Unfolds

by Jo Dee Ahmann on June 22, 2016 Comments Off on June 22, 2016 The Mystery Unfolds

Two weeks ago, there were only question marks.  Will Rob be able to handle the heat of the desert?  Will his lungs stay healthy as he cycles over the Rocky Mountains?  The highways of Missouri are notoriously dangerous.  Will Rob safely navigate the narrow highways and speeding trucks?  Will Rob make the RAAM time cut-off at the Mississippi River?

This is the beauty of an unfolding story.  Step by step, the answers are known.

The desert was conquered.

Rob flashes a thumbs up while riding.

Rob flashes a thumbs up while riding.

The Rockies were celebrated.

Chris Clemens points out that Rob has reached the summit of Wolf Creek Pass and is about to fly down the mountain.

Chris Clemens points out that Rob has reached the summit of Wolf Creek Pass and is about to fly down the mountain.



The highways of Missouri were navigated.

The business of a Kansas highway rushes past Rob.

The business of a Kansas highway rushes past Rob.

The Mississippi River was crossed with an hour and 50 minutes to spare.

Rob races his way over the Mississippi River to complete the second time cut-off.

Rob races his way over the Mississippi River to complete the second time cut-off.

There were also new questions presented during the race.  Will Rob’s crew ever get to wake him up in the morning?  Will his voice come back?  Will his feet heal?

Jamaica, Rob’s mechanic, finally got to wake him up this morning.  Rob’s voice is audible, barely, but at least he can speak.  His feet look decent.

His mind is alert.  His smile is broader than ever.  He is working very hard to deal with the adversity and challenge of this race.

Rob waves to his friends waiting on him as he cruises through the last bit of Missouri.

Rob waves to his friends waiting on him as he cruises through the last bit of Missouri.

It is beyond comprehension.  One gentlemen at a gas station asked me what was going on.  When I described the race—3000 miles in 12 days with such minimal rest, he said with a smile, “That’s just wrong.”  He is caring well for those around him.  He told me to ask people to pray for speedy miles today.  He is carried by the answer from God.  He always asks for prayer as he sets out on his bike after a rest.  He depends so much on the strength that God provides.  He told me he likes the line from “Chariots of Fire” (adapted for a bicycle).  “When I ride, I feel God’s pleasure.”  He attributes his strength, his endurance, his joy to God who has gifted him.  Rob is a great steward of those gifts.  He invests himself with abandon in his ever expanding community.  Rob is a giver.

Chris Clemens preps Rob with a donut and an energy drink before he heads towards the Mississippi River.

Chris Clemens preps Rob with a donut and an energy drink before he heads towards the Mississippi River.

As we enter the last days of this race, we have other questions.  Will Rob hold up in this heat?  Will he be able to keep going on such a little amount of sleep?  How will he do in the Appalachians?  Will he make the time cut-off in Mt. Airy, MD on Sunday morning?  Will Rob be able to raise the full amount of his goal for brain cancer research?  And the bigger question.  Will a cure for brain cancer be found in our lifetimes?  This is the goal of 3000 Miles to a Cure.  This is the reason Rob is riding.

This community that surrounds Rob has given almost $12,000.  That is 57% of his goal.  Let’s work together and finish this off!  Please give here.

The Messenger,

Jo Dee Ahmann

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Jo Dee AhmannJune 22, 2016 The Mystery Unfolds